Same day delivery is not available online, please call and we will try to accommodate you! Next day delivery is not guaranteed due to availability and stock levels, please call! Specific flowers may not be available. Due to seasonality and availability it may be necessary to substitute certain flowers & sundries with an alternative of similar size and quality. Orders received after 5pm will be processed the next working day. We do do try to accommodate late orders but if we are working on site or stock levels are low, it is not always possible.
If you require specific flowers, colour combinations or larger sizes please call /text or email to order.
07895 227344
NOTE: a £5 delivery charge will be added at checkout.
We try to accommodate morning delivery but it is not always possible
Sunday delivery only by special request
Rose Bouquet
One dozen Rose bouquet. Premium large head, multi petal Roses, presented in water for a fresh instant affect. Please note these prices do not apply for Valentine's when Rose Growers and suppliers increase their prices to meet international demand.